The Works of Spinoza - Topic Index (3)
NOTE: Most topics exclusively in TPT will be found in the TPT Sub-Index.
Individual emotions are listed under Emotions.
* = link listed out of sequence.
Memory E2P18N, -
E5P21, -
E5P34CN, -
TEI-P57, -
TEI-P81, -
Let42-P03, -
Mind E2PREF, -
E2P11-P30, -
E2P34-P36, -
E2P38-P40N1, -
E2P43-P44C1N, -
E2P47-P49CN, -
E3P1-P3N, -
E3P9-P16, -
E3P20, -
E3P25, -
E3P28, -
E3P51N-P59N, -
E3DOE, -
E4P1-P66(passim), -
TPTPref-P01, -
TPT01-P06, -
TPT04-P03, -
TPT12-P01, -
Let15-P05, -
Let21-P02, -
Let39-P03, -
Let42-P02-03, -
Let66-P02, -
(see also Modification of mind/body)
Mode (Modification) E1D5 (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E1P5, -
E1P8N2, -
E1P22, -
E1P29, -
E1P29N, -
E1P30, -
E2P4, -
E2P6, -
Let04-P04, -
Let28-P01, -
Let29-P03-10, -
Modification of mind/body E2P13, -
E2P13Ab1, -
E2P13L4, -
E2P16, -
E2P17, -
E2P17CN, -
E2P18N, -
E2P19, -
E2P22, -
E2P23, -
E2P25-P29C, -
E2P38, -
E2P39, -
E2P45, -
E3D3, -
E3P6, -
E3P9, -
E3P27, -
E3P30, -
E3P32N, -
E3P52N, -
E3P53, -
E3DOE1, -
E4P7, -
E4P7C, -
E4P8, -
E4P61, -
E5P1, -
E5P4, -
E5P4C, -
E5P10, -
E5P10N, -
E5P14, -
E5P16, -
E5P20N, -
E5P21, -
Mode of Extension E2D1, -
E2P13, -
E2P13Ab1, -
Mode of Thought E1P31, -
E2A3, -
E2A5, -
E2P1, -
E2P5, -
E2P6C, -
E2P7CN, -
E2P8, -
E2P9, -
E2P11, -
E2P20, -
E2P21N, -
E2P48, -
E2P49, -
E2P49CN, -
E3P2, -
E5P23N, -
Opinion (see under Knowledge of the First kind)
Partial cause (see under Inadequate cause)
Particular things E2D7, -
E2A5, -
E2P5, -
E2P8, -
E2P8C, -
E2P11, -
E2P19, -
E2P24, -
E2P31, -
E2P31C, -
E2P37, -
E2P40, -
E2P40N2, -
E2P44C2, -
E2P45, -
E2P45N, -
E2P48N, -
E3P52N, -
E4D3, -
E4D4, -
E4P4, -
E4APND26, -
E5P6N, -
E5P24, -
E5P36CN, -
TEI-P92, -
TEI-P98, -
TEI-P101, -
Let64-P02, -
(see also Individual things)
Passion (emotion) E3D3* (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E2A3, -
E3P56, -
E3P57, -
E3P58, -
E3DOE, -
E4P4C, -
E4P5, -
E4P6, -
E4P17N, -
E4P32, -
E4P33, -
E4P34, -
E4P35, -
E4P53, -
E4APND2, -
E5P3, -
E5P4CN, -
E5P17, -
E5P18CN, -
E5P20N, -
Passive E3D2* (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E1P15N, -
E1P29N, -
E1P31, -
E2D3, -
E3D3, -
E3P1, -
E3P2N, -
E3P3, -
E3P3N, -
E3P11N, -
E3P56, -
E3P56N, -
E3P57, -
E3P57N, -
E3DOE38, -
E3DOE48, -
E3DOE, -
E4P2, -
E4P23, -
E4P33, -
E4P34, -
E4P58N, -
E4P59, -
E4P59N, -
E4P63C, -
E4P64, -
E5P3C, -
E5P4CN, -
E5P9, -
E5P20N, -
E5P40, -
(see also Active)
Past (see under Time)
Perfection (see under Reality)
Possible E4D4 (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
Power (see under Virtue)
Power of activity (see under Activity)
Power of thought E3P11*, -
E2P7C, -
E3P2N, -
E3P12, -
E3P28, -
E3P59, -
Present (see under Time)
Privation E2P35 privation of knowledge and falsity, -
E2P35N an example of error and privation, -
E2P49CN privation and lack of certainty, -
E4P1 relation to positive quality possessed by false idea, -
E5P20N mind's infirmity or passion defined by privation of knowledge only
Let32-P06 state of privation only spoken of in relation to our intellect, not to God, -
Let34-P03-05 explanation of privation and negation, -
Let41-P06 relation to perfection and imperfection
Real Being or Thing (ens reale) MT101-P02*
TEI-P33, -
TEI-P38b, -
TEI-P75b, -
TEI-P84, -
MT101-P07-12, -
(see also Things of Reason)
Reality (or Perfection) E2D6 (see "Referenced in" list and the following:), -
E1P33N2, -
E3P11N, -
E3DOE2, -
E3DOE3, -
E3DOE, -
E4APND31, -
E5P17, -
E5P33N, -
E5P40, -
TEI-P13, -
TEI-P38b, -
TEI-P39b, -
Let27-P02, -
Let32-P04-10, -
Let40-P06-08, -
Reason (see under Knowledge of the Second kind)
Religion [religio] E4P37N1* -
E3DOE27 -
E4P73N -
E4APND15 -
E4APND22 -
E4APND24 -
E5P41 -
Let21-P02 -
(see also: Theology vs. Philosophy in TPT Sub-Index)
Self-Caused E1D1 (see "Referenced in" list.)
Substance E1D3 (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E1D4, -
E1D5, -
E1D6, -
E1P6, -
E1P7, -
E1P8, -
E1P8N1, -
E1P8N2, -
E1P10N, -
E1P11, -
E1P12, -
E1P13, -
E1P13C, -
E1P13CN, -
E1P14, -
E1P14C1, -
E1P15N, -
E1P19, -
E1P29N, -
Let02-P04, -
Let04-P04, -
Let15-P04, -
Let27-P02-04, -
State (see under Government in TPT Sub-Index)
Superstition E1APND -
E4P63N, -
TPTPref-P01-06, -
TPTPref-P14, -
TPT02-P02, -
TPT07-P03, -
TPT12-P03, -
Let21-P02, -
Let34-P09, -
Let74-P04, -
Let49-P03, -
Thing (entity or being) of Reason (ens/entia Rationis) E2P49CN
ST102-P16, -
ST1Dlg2-P04, -
ST106-P11, -
ST110-P02, -
ST204-P06, -
ST204-P08, -
ST216-P03, -
MT101-P03-06, -
MT101-P07, -
MT101-P08, -
MT101-P09, -
MT101-P10, -
MT101-P11, -
(see also Abstract)
(see also Knowledge of the Second kind)
(see also Real Being)
Time (future, present, past) E4D6* (see "Referenced in" list and the following:), -
E2P44C1N, -
E3P18, -
E3P18N1, -
E4P9C, -
E4P62, -
E5P23, -
E5P23N, -
E5P29, -
E5P29N, -
(see also Duration)
True idea (see under Adequate/Inadequate idea)
Understanding E1P4 understanding related to substance and modifications, -
E1P31N intellect in function - the very act of understanding, -
E2P43N true ideas involve the very act of understanding, -
E2P49C will and understanding are one and the same, -
E2P49CN answer to objections re will and understanding, -
E4P26 we endeavour nothing further in obedience to reason than to understand, -
E4P27 good and evil related to understanding, -
E4P52 self-approval and power of understanding, -
E5P40C eternal part of the mind is the understanding, -
E5P40CN our mind, in so far as it understands, is an eternal mode of thinking, -
E5P42 controlling the emotions by understanding related to blessedness
TEI-P108 properties of the understanding
TPT04-P30 Christ and understanding, -
TPT04-P32-34 teaching of Solomon on the fruits of the understanding, -
TPT06-P15 miracles and relation to understanding
Let15-P05 human mind is part of an infinite understanding, -
Let29-P02-07 infinity can be understood but not imagined, -
Let30-P01 relation between imagination and understanding, -
Let34-P01-14 God and human understanding, -
Let42-P03 importance of distinguishing between imagination and understanding, -
Let66-P02-05 human mind's power of understanding
(see also Intellect)
Universal law E1P15N, -
E1P17, -
E3P2N, -
E4P50N, -
E4P57N, -
TPT03-P07, -
TPT04, -
TPT04-P16, -
TPT05-P02-03, -
TPT06-P10-11, -
TPT06-P18, -
TPT06-P22, -
TPT07-P24, -
(see also Law in TPT Sub-Index)
Virtue (Power) E4D8* (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E3P55C1N, -
E3P55C2, -
E4P28, -
E4P36, -
E4P37, -
E4P52, -
E4P53, -
E4P54, -
E4P59N, -
E4P69, -
E5P27, -
Let32-P08-10, -
Let34-P11, -
Volition (see under Will (Volition))
Will (Volition) E2P49C* Will and understanding are one and the same, -
E2P49CN* a few additional points and answer to some objections concerning doctrine of Will, -
E1P31 Will [intellect, etc.] should be referred to passive, not active nature, -
E1P32 Will cannot be called a free cause, but only a necessary cause, -
E1P32C2 will and intellect stand in same relation to nature of God as do motion, and rest, -
E2P48 In the mind there is no absolute or free will, -
E2P48N [Will and intellect] cannot be distinguished from particular instances on which they are based, -
E2P49 There is in the mind no volition or affirmation and negation, save that which an idea, inasmuch as it is an idea, involves, -
E3P9N This endeavour [to persist], when referred solely to the mind, is called will.
ST216-P01 Common misconceptions about Will, -
ST217-P01 Distinction between will and desire,
Let02-P09-10 Will as an entity of reason [abstraction], -
Let32-P02-10 A discussion of God's Will.
Wolfson, Harry Austryn:
Outline of Spinoza's Ethics
from "The Philosophy of SPINOZA":
E1. Of God:
E1Def 1-P1: Substance and Mode
E1Def 8: Duration, Time, and Eternity
E1P02-06: Unity of Substance
E1P07-10: Simplicity of Substance
E1P11: Proof of Existence of God
E1P12-13: Simplicity of Substance
E1P14: Extension and Thought
E1P15N: Infinity of Extension
E1P15-18: Causality of God
E1P19-20: Eternity of God
E1P21-23: Infinite and Eternal Modes
E1P24-27: The Nature of Modes in General
E1P28-29: Finite Modes
E1P30-35: Intellect, Will, Power
E1P36-App: Necessity and Purposelessness
E2. The Mind:
E2P01-09: Body and Mind Macrocosm
E2P10-13: Body and Mind Microcosm
E2P14-16: External Senses
E2P17-18: Internal Senses
E2P19-23: Consciousness and Reason
E2P24-40: Truth
E2P40N2-47: Three Kinds of Knowledge
E2P48-49: Will
E3. The Emotions:
E3P01-03: Actions and Passions
E3P04-11: The Conatus and the Primary Passive Emotions
E3P12-57: Derivative Passive Emotions
E3P58-59: Active Emotions
E4. The Virtues:
E4P01-18: Power of the Emotions
E4P18N-28: Relation of Happiness to Virtue
E4P29-40: The Origin and Nature of Society
E4P41-73: The Meaning of Virtue and Certain Individual Virtues
E5. Blessedness:
E5P01-20: Matters related to this present life
E5P21-40: Duration of mind without relation to the body
E5P41-42: Religion of Reason
Words E2P18N, -
E2P40N2, -
E2P49CN, -
E3P2N, -
TEI-P58, -
TPT01-P06, -
TPT01-P09, -
TPT01-P21-22, -
TPT01-P50-52, -
TPT04-P30, -
TPT07-P33-34, -