The Works of Spinoza - Topic Index (1)
NOTE: Most topics exclusively in TPT will be found in the TPT Sub-Index.
Individual emotions are listed under Emotions.
* = link listed out of sequence.
Abstract E2P49CN* we are easily deceived by confusing abstractions with realities, -
E1P15N quantity conceived in two ways, in the abstract -
E1APND notions such as goodness, badness, order, confusion, -
E2P45N duration as existence conceived abstractedly, -
E2P48N faculties of will, understanding, etc. mere abstractions, -
E4P62N knowledge of good and evil merely abstract, -
ST101-P06 ideas generalized from particular things, -
ST217-P04 Desire as abstraction from particular act of desire, -
TEI-P75b-76b mistakes often arise from conceiving things too much in the abstract, -
TEI-P93 abstraction to be avoided while inquiring into actual things, -
TEI-P95 idea of circle as example of abstract, -
TEI-P97 to be avoided in definition of an uncreated thing, -
TEI-P99 deduce ideas from real entities, never passing to abstractions, -
TPT02-P01 abstract reasoning related to imagination and intellect, -
TPT04-P01 the word law taken in the abstract, -
TPT16-P02 nature taken in the abstract, -
TPT19-P12 abstract duty vs. conduct hurtful to the state, -
Let27-P03 error from abstracting ideas from thought, -
Let29-P06-11 error in division of quantity and duration arising from abstraction, -
Let32-P06 God does not know things through abstraction
Active (Activity or Act) E3D2* (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E1P17N omnipotence of God and, -
E1P29N nature viewed as active (natura naturans), -
E1P31 intellect in function should not be referred to active nature, -
E2D3 mental conception as activity, -
E3D3 emotion as active -
E3P1 our mind, in so far as it has adequate ideas is necessarily active, -
E3P1C mind more active in proportion to possesion of adequate ideas, -
E3P2N order of states of activity in body and mind simultaneous, -
E3P57N passive emotions, prefacing a few words on active emotions, -
E3P58 emotions derived from pleasure and desire attributable to us as active, -
E3P59 all active emotions referred to pleasure or desire, -
E4P15 active emotion understood through our essence only, -
E4P23 man acts in obedience to virtue only in so far as active, -
E4P28 relation to man's highest good, -
E4P35 relation to men agreeing in nature, -
E4P51 relation to approval, -
E4P63 relation to fear, -
E5P4CN appetite through which active and passive one and the same, -
E5P18 we are active when contemplating God therefore cannot hate God, -
E5P20N mind most active whose greatest part made up of adequate ideas, -
E5P36 activities of the mind and intellectual love, -
E5P40 relation to perfection, -
E5P42 relation to blessedness
(see also Passive)
Activity, power of (related to emotion) E3D3* (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E3POST1, -
E3P11, -
E3P12, -
E3P13, -
E3P15, -
E3P19, -
E3P20, -
E3P28, -
E3P37, -
E3P53, -
E3P54, -
E3P55, -
E3P55C1N, -
E3P55C2, -
E3P58, -
E3P59, -
E3DOE1, -
E3DOE3, -
E3DOE25, -
E3DOE26, -
E3DOE, -
E4P1N, -
E4P7, -
E4P8, -
E4P29, -
E4P30, -
E4P41, -
E4P42, -
E4P52, -
E4P53, -
E4P59, -
E4P61, -
Adequate cause E3D1 (see "Referenced in" list.)
Adequate (Clear and Distinct, or True) idea E2D4* (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E1A6 A true idea must correspond with its ideate or object, -
E2P32 All ideas, in so far as they are referred to God, are true, -
E2P34 idea, absolute or adequate and perfect, is true, -
E2P36 Inadequate, confused ideas follow by necessity, as adequate, clear and distinct ideas, -
E2P38 things common to all, ... cannot be conceived except adequately, -
E2P39 That, common to human body ... represented by adequate idea in mind, -
E2P39C mind fitted to perceive adequately in proportion body more common with other bodies, -
E2P40 ideas following from adequate ideas, themselves adequate, -
E2P41 knowledge of the second and third kinds is necessarily true, -
E2P42 Knowledge of the second and third kinds ... teaches us to distinguish the true from the false, -
E2P43 He, who has a true idea, knows that he has a true idea, -
E2P43N true idea involves the highest certainty, -
E2P46 eternal and infinite essence of God every idea involves is adequate and perfect, -
E2P47 human mind has adequate knowledge eternal and infinite essence of God, -
E3P1 In so far as mind has adequate ideas necessarily active, -
E3P1C mind more or less active in proportion it possesses adequate ideas, -
E3P3 activities of mind arise solely from adequate ideas, -
E3P9 mind, both clear and distinct, and confused ideas, endeavours to persist, -
E4P64C if human mind possessed only adequate ideas, would form no conception of evil, -
E5P3 emotion ceases to be passion, soon as we form a clear and distinct idea thereof, -
E5P4 no modification of the body, we cannot form some clear and distinct conception, -
E5P4C no emotion, cannot form some clear and distinct conception, -
E5P14 mind can bring it about, all bodily modifications may be referred to idea of God, -
E5P20N related to mind's power over the emotions, -
E5P28 third kind of knowledge cannot arise from first, but from the second kind of knowledge
TEI-P33 true idea something different from its correlate (ideatum), -
TEI-P50 distinguish and separate true ideas from other perceptions, -
TEI-P62 no fear forming hypotheses, so long as have clear and distinct perception, -
TEI-P68 ideas clear and distinct can never be false, -
TEI-P74 certain things presented to imagination also exist in understanding, -
TEI-P77-80 relation to doubt, -
TEI-P91 second part of method: acquisition of clear and distinct ideas, -
TEI-P106-108 relation to power of the understanding
Let04-P02 relation to definitions, -
Let42-P02-03 method whereby able to direct clear and distinct perceptions, -
Let64 difference between a true and an adequate idea merely extrinsic.
(see also Certainty)
(see also Idea)
Inadequate (Confused) idea E2P36*, -
E2P11C, -
E2P24, -
E2P25, -
E2P26C, -
E2P27, -
E2P28, -
E2P29, -
E2P29C, -
E2P29CN, -
E2P30, -
E2P31, -
E2P35, -
E2P36, -
E2P49CN, -
E3P1, -
E3P1C, -
E3P3, -
E3P9, -
E3DOE, -
E4P1N, -
E4P23, -
E4P64, -
E4P73N, -
E5P20N, -
TEI-P55, -
TEI-P63, -
TEI-P65, -
TEI-P74, -
TEI-P82, -
TEI-P88, -
TEI-P90, -
Affirmation/Negation E1D6, -
E1P8N1, -
E2P48N, -
E2P49, -
E2P49CN, -
E3P2N, -
E3P3N, -
E3P4, -
E3P10, -
E3P11N, -
E3P18N1, -
E3P25, -
E3P26, -
E3P54, -
E3P55, -
E3DOE, -
E4P7, -
E4P11, -
E4P14, -
E4P32, -
TEI-P18b, -
TEI-P34[n3], -
TEI-P72c, -
TEI-P80, -
TEI-P89, -
Let34-P03-08, -
Let41-P05, -
Attribute E1D4 (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E1D6, -
E1P2, -
E1P5, -
E1P11, -
E1P14, -
E1P14C2, -
E1P20C2, -
E1P21, -
E1P22, -
E1P23, -
E1P25C, -
E1P29N, -
E2P1, -
E2P2, -
E2P6, -
E2P6C, -
E2P7CN, -
E2P10C, -
E2P13L2, -
E2P20, -
E2P21N, -
E2P40N2, -
E2P45, -
E3P2, -
E3P2N, -
E3P6, -
E3DOE1, -
E4P4, -
Let02-P03, -
Let04-P02-04, -
Let27-P02-04, -
Let28-P01, -
Let66-P02-04, -
Base [turpe] (Dishonourable) E4P37N1*, -
E3DOE31, -
E4P45C2, -
Being of Reason (see under Thing of Reason)
Blessedness E4APND4* blessedness is the contentment of spirit, which arises from the intuitive knowledge of God, -
E2PREF knowledge of the human mind and its highest blessedness, -
E5PREF nature of Mental Freedom or Blessedness, -
E5P33N blessedness consist in the mind being endowed with perfection itself, -
E5P36CN wherein our blessedness consists, -
E5P42 blessedness is not the reward of virtue, but virtue itself
TPT03-P16 in respect of blessedness - God was equally gracious to all, -
TPT04-P11-14 our highest blessedness aim - namely, to the knowledge and love of God
(see also Highest Good)
(see also Intellectual Love)
Body E2D1 (see "Referenced in" list.)
Bodies in union (individual) E2P13D (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
Let15-P05, -
Let42-P02, -
Certainty E2P43 he who has true idea, simultaneously knows he has true idea, -
E2P43N true idea involves the highest certainty, -
E2P49CN relation to falsity, etc, -
E4P27 nothing certainly good or evil, save such as really conduce to or hinder understanding
TEI-P35 relation to true ideas, -
TEI-P74 relation to imagination, -
TEI-P77-80 relation to doubt, -
TEI-P108 understanding involves certainty
(see also Adequate/Inadequate Idea)
Clear and Distinct idea (see under Adequate/Inadequate idea)
Conflicting emotions E4D5
Confused idea (see under Adequate/Inadequate idea)
Constrained E1D7 (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
Contingent E4D3 (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E1P29, -
E1P33N1, -
E2P31C, -
E2P44, -
Definition TEI-P95-97*, -
E1D8, -
E1P8N2, -
E1P16, -
E1P19, -
TEI-P92, -
TEI-P101b, -
Let04-P02, -
Let27, -
Let28, -
Let29-P02-04, -
Let32-P06, -
Let39-P02-06, -
Let41-P05, -
Doubtful Idea (Doubt) E3P17N*, -
E2P43, -
E2P49CN, -
E3P18N1, -
E3P18N2, -
E3DOE12, -
TEI-P50, -
TEI-P51, -
(see also Adequate/Inadequate Idea)
Duration E2D5*, -
E1P21, -
E1P24C, -
E2P30, -
E2P31, -
E2P31C, -
E2P45N, -
E3P8, -
E4P62N, -
E5P20N, -
E5P23, -
E5P23N, -
E5P29, -
TEI-P81, -
Let29-P03-10, -
Let40-P02, -
(see also Time)
Emotion (see below at Emo.)
End (desire) E4D7
Essence of a thing E2D2* (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E1D8, -
E1P8N2, -
E1P10, -
E1P11N, -
E1P16, -
E1P17N, -
E1P20, -
E1P20C1, -
E1P24, -
E1P24C, -
E1P25, -
E1P25N, -
E1P33N1, -
E2P8, -
E2P10C, -
E2P10CN, -
E2P17CN, -
E2P24, -
E2P37, -
E2P44C2, -
E3P4, -
E3P7, -
E3P55, -
E3P57, -
E3DOE1, -
E4D3, -
E4D8, -
E4P5, -
E4P226, -
E4P36N, -
E4P61, -
E5A2, -
E5P22, -
E5P23, -
E5P23N, -
E5P25, -
E5P29, -
TEI-P19, -
TEI-P22, -
TEI-P26b, -
TEI-P27, -
TEI-P29, -
TEI-P33, -
TEI-P52, -
TEI-P55, -
TEI-P58, -
TEI-P66, -
TEI-P92, -
TEI-P95, -
TEI-P98, -
Let02-P04, -
Let23-P04, -
Let27-P02, -
Let28-P01, -
Let29-P02-13, -
Let30-P01-02, -
Let32-P04, -
Let36-P04-06, -
Let39-P07, -
Let41-P08, -
Let50-P02, -
Let58-P02, -
Let60-P02, -
Let66-P02-04, -
Let68b-P01, -
Eternal truth E1D8, -
E1P8N2, -
E1P17N, -
E1P19N, -
E1P20C1, -
TEI-P54, -
TPT03-P07, -
TPT04-P28-31, -
TPT04-P31, -
TPT06-P11, -
TPT16-P33, -
Eternity, Eternal E1D8 (see "Referenced in" list and the following:)
E1D6 (God) eternal essentiality of attributes of God, -
E1P19 God and all the attributes of God are eternal, -
E1P20 eternity and essence of God, -
E1P21 eternity of things following from absolute nature of attributes, -
E1P33N2 eternity of God and relation to before and after, -
E2P45 ideas of things actually existing involve eternal essence of God, -
E2P46 knowledge of eternal essence of God is adequate and perfect, -
E2P47 human mind has adequate knowledge of eternal essence of God, -
E5P23 something of human mind remains and is eternal, -
E5P29 that which mind understands under form of eternity, -
E5P30 mind that knows body under form of eternity knows God, -
E5P31 cause of third kind of knowledge as mind is eternal, -
E5P33 intellectual love of God is eternal, -
E5P39 relation of bodily activities to eternal part of mind
TEI-P10 love towards a thing eternal ... feeds mind wholly with joy, -
TEI-P12 eternal order and fixed laws of nature, -
TEI-P100-104 cause of all things and series of fixed and eternal things, -
TEI-P108 understanding perceives things under certain form of eternity
TPT01-P04 eternal laws of God and ordinary knowledge, -
TPT04-P35 comment on Paul's statement re knowledge of Gods eternal power, -
TPT06-P11 laws of eternal necessity, -
TPT06-P16 eternity of God
Let21-P02 Eternal Wisdom of God manifested in human mind, -
Let23-P04 Christ endowed with eternity, -
Let29-P03-07 Spinoza briefly explains eternity and duration, -
Let40-P02-03 and unity of God, -
Let41-P08 further discussion on unity of God, -
Let72-P01 and the variety of the universe
Evil E4D2 (see "Referenced in" list.)
Existence E1D8, -
E1P7, -
E1P8-P8N2, -
E1P11-P11N, -
E1P19N, -
E1P20, -
E1P20C1, -
E1P24, -
E2P45N, -
TPTPref-P13, -
TPT04-P29, -
TPT05-P23, -
TPT06-P01, -
TPT06-P13-15, -
Let02-P04, -
Let23-P04, -
Let27-P02, -
Let28-P01, -
Let29-P04-13, -
Let39-P01-07, -
Let40-P01-08, -
Let41-P02-08, -
Let50-P02, -
External body E2POST3, -
E2POST6, -
E2P14, -
E2P16, -
E2P16C2, -
E2P17, -
E2P17C, -
E2P17CN, -
E2P18, -
E2P18N, -
E2P25, -
E2P26, -
E2P26C, -
E2P28, -
E2P29C, -
E2P29CN, -
E2P38, -
E2P39, -
E2P44C1N, -
E2P47, -
E2P47N, -
E2P49CN, -
E3P12, -
E3P14, -
E3P27, -
E3P51, -
E3P56, -
E3DOE, -
E4P1N, -
E4P38, -
External cause E1P6C, -
E1P8N2, -
E1P11N, -
E2P13L3C, -
E3P4, -
E3P8, -
E3P13CN, -
E3P22, -
E3P30N, -
E3P32N, -
E3P40, -
E3P57, -
E3P59N, -
DOE, -
E3DOE5, -
E3DOE6, -
E3DOE7, -
E4P3, -
E4P4, -
E4P5, -
E4P6, -
E4P15, -
E4P18, -
E4P18N, -
E4P20N, -
E4P32N, -
E4P43, -
E4P44, -
E4P60, -
E4APND6, -
E4APND32, -
E5P2, -
E5P4CN, -
E5P7, -
E5P20N, -
E5P39N, -
ST101-P07, -
ST101-P08, -
ST102-P19, -
ST104-P03, -
ST106-P09, -
ST107-P17, -
ST216-P03, -
ST226-P08, -
ST226-P10, -
ST226-P16, -
ST226-P17, -
TEI-P31, -
TEI-P53, -
TEI-P64, -
TEI-P67, -
Let39-P06, -
Let15-P03, -
Let40-P05, -
Let62-P02, -
Let62-P04, -
Let62-P08, -