Personal Notes

Last modified: 6/7/2013

Personal History

Philosophical Reception of Spinoza's ideas as Personal Experience

The Great Mountain

A cautionary note on the pathways

Anniversary Celebration

"Returning Annually"

Glimpses of Eternity

Personal "Experience"

Dreaming with our eyes open

Our own personal movie

Eternity and Time

The Idea behind the Eternity clock

The Mind's Highest Good

Spinoza's Aim

Purpose Driven God?

Does God work towards an end purpose?

The Divine Law

The Divine Law vs. the Law of Moses and other human laws (Added 6/7/2013)

Faith and Reason

Euclid, Spinoza, Science, the Bible, and ways of knowing things.

Jesus and Spinoza

"Cargo Cults", Jesus, Spinoza, ..., and Bill.

Spinoza and "religion"

Spinoza and "religion"

Spinoza and "philosophy"

The True Philosophy and "Spinoza's philosophy"

Why Study Spinoza?

An approach to Spinoza

Spinoza Study Difficulty

An approach to Spinoza 2

Mathematical illustrations

Spinoza's usage of Mathematical illustrations in his works

Following Spinoza's steps

Exercising on the Ethics Stairmaster

Imagination vs. Understanding

Imagination vs. Understanding

Modifications of our own body

Let us imagine a little "origami man"...

The "Mind/Body Problem"

Mind vs. Body

The "Mind/Body Problem 2

The Mind-Body and Neural Science.

Spinoza and The Understanding - Intuition

Our Innate Tools

Getting Started with the Ethics Part 1

An approach to Spinoza's Ethics

Ethics Part 2

Spinoza's Ethics Part 2 - An Outline

Science and Knowing

A few thoughts

The "World"

A few thoughts

Finite things

Existence and duration


Active/Passive in Spinoza's Philosophy

Active/Passive Example

Active/Passive in Spinoza's Philosophy, Example


Affirmation and Negation in Spinoza's Philosophy

Idea of Bodies

The Idea of the Human Body

External Bodies

Spinoza, auto-mechanics, and external bodies


Intellect in Spinoza's Philosophy


A Zen Connection?

Why Study Our Own Nature?

Why study our own particular nature?

The Study of Our Own Nature

How do we observe and study our own nature?


"Bodies" and Motion


Knowledge of the Second Kind

Reason - cont'd

Knowledge of the Second Kind - additional thoughts


Knowledge of the Third Kind


A few replies to email

I welcome any thoughts on the above.
You may send email to:
tneff [at] earthlink [dot] net